Sunday, October 16, 2011


The much anticipated witch party happened on Friday night! It was so fun.

My favorite 3 things:

1. Everybody dressed up. Even a little bit.
2. All of the candles/decorations.
3. Hanging out with a bunch of fun girls.

We had a spooky dinner, made caramel apples, chatted it up and listened to "Halloween Party" on Pandora. 

After everyone left, we tried watched Hocus Pocus. One or more people fell asleep for that portion.

But lets get down to the nitty gritty and wow your eyeballs with these photos.


your hostesses


Catherine is such a model in this one!

yeah my shiny face & sad hat really throws this whole thing off.

check out that girl's sweet hat!

 Sarah you were such a cute witch!

Witch parties are great, because when else do you get together with 20 girls, dress up and have tons of funnin' around?!

See you next year, witches!!


You're so sweet to leave me a li'l message.