Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Highlight Reel

I'm just going to punish/reward(depending on how you feel about me) you with a pictorial description of my entire SUMMER!(that is "summer" in webding. it's the most exciting font i have)!!!

JUNE (June)

Bid Sarah Jane Bon Voyage to Russia with pool time, bowling & pastries-is there a better way to exit this country?

If it's not obvious to you, Sarah just bowled a strike!

Meg & Adam:)
...don't ask!

is it ok to kiss your food?

First attempt at major(for me) sewing project

Father's Day

Tyler's Day

...with his gift!
...complete with an unrelated birthday cake.

We went to dinner at Tucano's and danced away at Coco Rosie to celebrate!

First year gardening
(this is what it looked like in June)

my garden needed more sun, so he climbed up this skinny tree to cut branches off for me. it was pretty sweet.

OK, so that was only June, this post is WAY too long, and frankly, I'm pooped. So I will reward/punish you tomorrow with July & August after that!

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