Thursday, March 15, 2012


My closet is full, but I have nothing to wear. The classic sob story of almost every girl I know.

I am a lover of fashion. I could sit and analyze all of the ads in Vogue for hours (and I do).

I love buying clothes. They are new, crisp, vibrant, and feel like heaven on your skin compared to the raggedy sweater purchased over two weeks ago (who's with me?).

I have plans this summer. I'm going to Las Vegas, Grand Cayman Islands, and San Diego, to name a few.

I'm on a budget. In order to save the money I need to go on my vacations, I can't buy every perfectly draped blouse in sight.

So: With a full closet & summer schedule, but a much less packed wallet, I am bringing wardrobe remix to this blog.

I'll start documenting the outfits I come up with here, starting next Monday. Partly because it will be fun, mostly so I can publicly hold myself accountable. That's what blogging is all about right? (just kidding)

Time to dig deep.


  1. I am so with you on everything! Can't wait to see the outfits you come up with! I definitely need to start digging in the back of my closet and get creative.

  2. Raggedy sweater two weeks ago, totally with you! Haha this is me to a T.


You're so sweet to leave me a li'l message.