Wednesday, March 14, 2012


// Craft night is becoming just as much about the food as it is the crafts.//

// My craft. lyrics from the popular fun. song. I'll probably be sick of it soon. //

Craft nights are so FUN. I mean for the food alone, it's well worth your time. And it doesn't really matter what your craft is. If you need to paint your nails or write a thank you note, that counts.

In other news I am feeling happy today. In general I'm a very happy person, but lately my days have been overshadowed by some sort of anxiety. Math tests, work, bills... just the regulars. This morning I woke up though and knew that all I can do is my best and leave the rest to the Man Upstairs. 

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. loving all the color in this post :) happy I found your blog!

  2. Dear Andrea,
    I'm glad you woke up happy this morning! I must say the same. Life is great lately. I need to attend a craft night soon!

    1. Ashley, you must. It is the best. No excuses!

  3. I so need to have myself a craft night, that lyrical colourful board is amazing!!

  4. Wow I have been missing out! I need to start coming again. love how your project turned out!


You're so sweet to leave me a li'l message.