Monday, June 29, 2009

Recollection Collection #2

This little Treasure is also from Lisa Frank....


Dear Diary,

This page is for dedication.
This diary will be dedicated to my daughter if I have one.
If I do not live to that time, this book will be handed over to Charisse M. If she is dead, I want my mother to have this diary.
If she is dead, I want this diary to go to my former neighbors, the Robertson's.
I will want it to be handed over to Kyle(with a heart around his name). If this is not possible, pass it to the oldest of the Robertson children, Shala, then Shauna, then Kristen.

Thank You VERY Much

Andrea Kay

P.S. If the Robertsons are impossible to reach, please pass this diary to Natalie Adams, my great friend!

P.P.S. Charisse Marchant is my best friend. If she cannot be contacted, please give it to one of her family members to give to her. Please make a strong effort to get it to her before passing it on to anyone else.


Age written: 11 & a half


  1. How funny, the last wishes for her diary. What a little gem this diary is for the ages! I remember reading passages from this a long time ago and having a good laugh.

  2. Oh my - LOVIN your journal entrees! It's so hilarious to go back through and re-read them.. I was reading mine to Mark the other night from when I was ten and for my birthday I wanted:
    A new purse with makeup, candy, sunglasses, gum, and jewelry in it.. (Not much has changed!!! ha)

  3. I wish I could even come close to explaining how much I love this. But I can't. Dear Diary, I love Kyle. I love him because he is cute, smart, funny, dynamic, etc. Love, Adrea.


You're so sweet to leave me a li'l message.