Friday, February 24, 2012


:: me, Celeste, & Ginny cheering on the Cougars (cough, cough) ::
:: Ginny's husband plays for them so I was really nice ::

:: self-portrait time (for photo a day challenge). I was being secretive so I look a little scared. ::

:: "Do your best myspace face" ::

:: Tyler & Matt, being themselves ::

:: low-light restaurants = dark pictures ::

Tyler's BFF & former (favorite) mission companion Matt came to visit with his gorgeous wife Celeste. We've gone to AZ a couple times to visit them, and this is their 3rd trip to Utah since I've been dating Tyler. So I like to claim them as my own friends too! 

Celeste actually stayed at my house & Matt stayed at Tyler's. She said it was because of her bad allergies (to the sweetest pup in the world Roxy), but I think she'd much rather sip diet coke and watch Gossip Girl then do.... whatever the guys were doing in their down time. It was SO fun to have a good old-fashioned sleepover, talking well into the wee hours of the morning (read: 1 AM). 

Snowboarding (I was excluded since I was working. Sad.)
Eating (Layla, Blue Plate, Porcupine), 
Movie (worst ever), 
shopped a bit, 
BYU basketball game
Dinner with the Ryan & Jacqui, Ginny (Matt's sister) & her new husband (oops I forgot his name already)

Thanks Matt & Celeste for coming to play! 
Until May 4th...


  1. I love these photos (isn't instagram so fun?!) and your hair is amazing! I'm so jealous! Love your blog, following right now! xo- Berni


You're so sweet to leave me a li'l message.