Thursday, February 23, 2012

A FEW PHOTOS FROM THE WEEKEND :: even though it's Thursday ::

::  nightboarding  ::

:: sweetest diner discovered on a Sunday drive ::

:: walk in a snowy park ::

Tyler planned the date of nightboarding together for our valentine's celebration, but on the first ride up the lift he said "who's stupid idea was this?" We were already freezing. I actually thought I was warm for a minute until I had to go to the bathroom and I couldn't even feel my hindquarters. So that date idea was kind of a bust, but we still had fun together. Plus all I really wanted was a card, and I got that on the way up to the mountain. Success!

Sunday we went to Heber for my second cousin's mission farewell. After hanging out with a whole lot of family, we drove the long way home through Oakley. I was so excited about that diner (above). It is so cute, and I've never seen a diner like that in the flesh.

Polished off with leftover pizza from the PIE (which was from fun times with Sarah & Denis to watch the Supercross Saturday) , a walk in the park, and movies of my choice. It was pretty darn swell, I tell you what.

1 comment:

  1. Two things:
    1. You only wanted a card???
    2. I must go to that diner. Did you eat there? Because I'll be heartbroken if the food isn't good.


You're so sweet to leave me a li'l message.