Monday, July 25, 2011

the bottom line

 My life is consumed with moving. I am sick of it and ecstatic at the same time.


Every time I come to Brigham I have to pass this beautiful place on Main.

3. I didn't shower today, and I don't even feel bad about it.

My favorite feeling is the one of exhaustion after a perfect day spent on the lake. 
Plus, check out T's sweet addition to his toys! The colors are p e r f e c t. 

There is no limit on these this summer.
my favorite combo: tigers blood + blue/red raspberry


I just watched all SIX seasons of The Hills in....

It makes me want to be completely dramatic. About everything.

It's all fresh in my mind, so if you want to talk about it (and I've basically been bringing it up every five seconds)... I'm here for you girl!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry I did that, and in probably less time. It would be incredible to me how quickly 21 minutes would go buy and I would just go right on to the next episode. Don't worry, The City is even better, not quite as dramatic and a little more interesting and less pointless. I'd love to chat about it with you over shaved ice!


You're so sweet to leave me a li'l message.