Tuesday, June 26, 2012

// one chocolate cake, hold the candles & the song //

// dinner at Aristo //

// doing the creep at the Arts Festival //

// downtown Salt Lake City //

Last Friday was T-Pain's birthday. He is super anti-attention (what does that mean?) and doesn't want singing (for real he will kill) or candles. But he does want cake. And you know he secretly loves the special attention of dinner & gifts... Otherwise are you a human or an alien?

Anyway we celebrated with Aristo for dinner & the Urban Arts Festival downtown afterward, which is the quintessential summer activity: Superb people watching, perfect weather & live music.

Tyler's pretty cool.


  1. um i want that cake, like right now.
    low key birthdays, but still fun. always good.


  2. I have to make a cake for my office this week and I am now definitely thinking a chocolate cake is in order.

  3. Mmmm that cake really needs me right now. I tried to be really smooth on Saturday with my "happy birthday Tyler" hoping I wouldn't upset him. Looks like you guys had fun!!

  4. Cute photos! Looks like a fun night! That chocolate cake looks delish!



You're so sweet to leave me a li'l message.